CoE for the Uptake of Robotics and Allied Technologies (CoE-URAT) – Pisa, SSSA

CoE-URAT is called to establish a national reference point for studying the economic, social, organizational, regulatory and ethical settings in which robotic technologies are designed, developed, and deployed. CoE-URAT will foster robotics in maintaining its innovative solutions within the borders/challenges of economic sustainability and law, by design and by default. This will be achieved advising the expansion of the legal and socio-economic frontiers in line with innovation needs, preventing the enactments of legal rules technologically unattainable or facilitating their removal, and avoiding rationing the adoption of new technologies. While producing high level research and materials for the relevant stakeholders and scientific communities, CoE-URAT will provide data repositories, laboratories sandboxing regulatory innovation and operative tools to assess the value of a new technology and to guide the different decision makers to choose and implement innovative technological solutions in a more effective, efficient, fair healthcare system. CoE-URAT will leverage new technologies, introduce data scientific methodologies, and carry out neurocognitive experiments, to develop sustainable and efficient legal, economic and organizational solutions and tools which, in turn, will contribute to accelerate healthcare and personal care robots’ introduction, reimbursement, maintenance and use, both in clinical contexts as well as in workplace environments. CoE-URAT will be strategically placed in Pisa within SSSA, leveraging on the expertise, infrastructures, and networks of the research centers of law, economics, political sciences, and robotics, in a new building to be acquired within Fit4MedRob. The facility will include: a data center room, open spaces for employees/researchers/PhD, smaller offices, teleconference room and equipment, experiment rooms where to test the usability of new technologies and user interfaces. The latter will be equipped with devices for the assessment of user’s engagement and acceptance: e.g., among others, electroencephalographs, eye-trackers, wearable sensors, and environmental sensors for motion and emotion detection.