CoE for REhabilitation devices and Digital Instruments (CoE-REDI) Lecco, CNR & Pavia, UNIPV
CoE for Bionics (CoE-BIONICS) – Bologna, INAIL Centro Protesi
CoE for the Uptake of Robotics and Allied Technologies (CoE-URAT) – Pisa, SSSA
CoE for Biorobotic and Bionic Materials and Systems (CoE-BBMS) – Napoli, UNINA
CoE for Sustainable Energy Sources (CoE-SES) – Napoli, CNR
CoE for advanced Nanobiomaterials and Technologies (CoE-NBT) – Lecce, CNR
CoE for Robotic Rehabilitation Treatments (CoE-REHAB) – Salerno, FDG & Bari, ICSM